Friday, January 27, 2006

Chicks on the highway

Egyptian farmer dumps 10,000 chicks in bird flu flap

Read this story about loose chicken on the highway in Egypt. Isn’t that crazy or what.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Polio is out of Egypt but its vaccine is not

Polio is out of Egypt but its vaccine is not!

According to this article Egypt seems to be free of the virus Polio.. Wait not so fast according to this article (in Arabic) bad Polio vaccine is killing children. What’s going on?

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wendy Finger Fiasco

Wendy Finger Fiasco
I am glad about the harsh sentencing. I hope it sends a strong message to anyone who thinks about doing the same

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Be Careful when flying

Be Careful when flying.

This is an interesting story about an airplane passenger, who was arrested after a fellow passenger saw him write the words “suicide bomber” in his planner. He was later released after law enforcement people cleared him. It is good to be vigilant buy to be paranoid is a different story!